
Good faith operation
Integrity operation is the social responsibility of every enterprise

The sustainable operation of enterprises originates from the society. The development of enterprises is inseparable from the support of all sectors of society. Enterprises should bear corresponding responsibility to give back to the society.Keydak adheres to the management of compliance and integrity, strives to achieve the harmonious development of the enterprise and the society, and continuously promotes the responsibility and innovation to go hand in hand, and will fulfill social responsibility.Consciously abide by social laws and regulations and provide quality products and services to consumersTo give employees of the company better working, living and development conditions,Provide better protection to the natural environment, contribute wealth to the country and society, provide jobs, and pay taxes.We will contribute our greatest strength to the healthy and stable development of society.


Integrity creates a win-win situation, responsibility illuminates the future

We believe that responsibility and innovation make everything better, and working with stakeholders to make everything possible.Honest management, consumers and socially responsible companies can win people's trust, and create a force to attract customers and condense employees, get rich returns, stand out in the fierce market competition, and maintain long-term vitality. To achieve a win-win situation between the company and the society.In the future, we will continue to improve social responsibility management and maximize the ability to release innovation, creativity and creativity.


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